Individual or Small Group Training

Highland Soccer Systems Director, Don Haddox, also offers individual or small group training sessions for the player seeking to improve more than can be expected in a normal team training session.  With customizable sessions available for every field player, as well as goalkeepers, Coach Haddox can provide a fully customizable (anywhere from 30 to 90-minute) training session of individual attention to detail that cannot be matched in any other environment.

A defender that is struggling with 1-on-1 defending or how to approach an attacker with their back to the goal; an attacker struggling to perfect that one “go-to” move; a midfielder that can’t perfect bending long passes; a GK that needs help with his recovery after collapse dives…these and any other situation that you or your child can dream up can become an individualized training session (including fitness goals incorporating plyometric training and speed/quickness work).

The first step is contacting me below to express interest in a 1-on-1 (or small group) training session.  Much like private ski lessons, we will then decide the appropriate course of action for your particular growth; also much like private ski lessons, if you want to take advantage of this opportunity with 2 or 4 friends, the cost per player will drop significantly.

Coach Haddox will provide all equipment (balls, cones, even goals) – you just provide the location and be there ready for the best training session of your life!  Even if you don’t have a yard that may lend itself to training, with enough notice, there is usually a public space available that will work for most training sessions.

All sessions are age appropriate, but much more importantly, skill-appropriate and fluid within the course of a given session (i.e. mastery of a skill would imply that the session would progress to a new skill, whereas inability to grasp a concept would require an adapted methodology).  Having coached players at every level of play from a brand-new 4-year-old player, to players preparing to leave for Division 1 college careers Coach Haddox has not just the knowledge, but the experience to ensure that your child gains the maximum amount of development from each and every session.

**NEW in 2024 – Highland Soccer Systems is proud to announce additional private coaching opportunities, including with new Vermont Green FC star Jacob Labovitz!  We are confident that we can now meet all training needs and price-points for your young player(s)!  Please inquire through email below.

If you’d like more information (including base rates), please contact Don at:  Please reference “Individual Training” in the subject line of the email.